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Our newest Outreach Vehicle is our mobile outreach classroom which we call the


  SS NaSA PoD 


This is short for

Science Steve's Nature and Science Adventure Pod of Discovery.


We use the PoD as a mobile outreach classroom to bring our programming to schools, camps, and other organizations in a ventilated, "covid-safe," outdoor environment. 


The PoD with its current tow vehicle.  Please consider assisting us by replacing this aging Honda with an all-electric tow vehicle by visiting our donation page - thank you!


The PoD has been in service bringing nature, wildlife, renewable energy/EV, indigenous music, and science awareness and appreciation to campers, students, and our outreach programming participants in the WNC area since the spring of 2022.  Please contact us if you would like to experience a wildlife, nature, or science program from the


























An early photo of the PoD just after we installed the 1.78 kW solar array.


While in service, the PoD is still a work in progress.  Currently, it includes the following operational systems.  


- 1780-watt bifacial solar array on a custom-fabricated frame.

- Victron power management and 800aH LiFePo battery storage system

- 12 "habitat pods" to provide climate-regulated housing for our education animals while on "expo"

- OVS Nomadic 270 awning (w/walls when needed) covering the teaching area

- PA/Sound system with Lavalier microphones

- Microscope station w/2 scopes 

- Flatscreen monitor for the showing of nature and science documentaries and/or telescope/microscope use

- Real-time environmental monitoring system that includes: weather, air quality, and local area video monitoring and    security system

- External power outlets 120 VAC x 2, 5VDC (USB) x 2, 12 VDC x 1

- External power inlets 240 VAC 50 Amp J-1772 EVSE x 1, 240 VAC NEMA 14-50 x 1 w 25' cable

- Internal power outlets: 120 VAC x 2, 12 VDC x 3, 5VDC x 4

- Potable freshwater inlets: City water attachment x 1, gravity feed potable H2o port x 1

- Potable freshwater outlet x 2 (for filling water bottles, dog's bowls, etc.)

- Full wet bathroom with sink, shower, and composting toilet. 

- 18 gallons onboard freshwater storage

- 120 VAC 6-gallon hot water heater

- LED lighting inside and out

- Bunk arrangement: 1 Double bed, 1 bunk above the dinette area

- Cook nook includes a sink, inductive cooktop, and 12 VDC fridge/freezer.

- Spare tire.

​​- Satellite internet/wifi avaliable for free to anyone within range.


The things that remain before the PoD will be fully completed (to be completed in 2025). 

- Field guide library and "Little Free Library" style library systems (these will be mounted in the PoD's future all-electric tow vehicle)

- Telescope station (in the design phase)

- 100% electric tow vehicle for The PoD - read more about it here. 























To everyone who has supported this project with your donations, expertise, time, and tools - you are all heroes!


The PoD is 99.9% finished!  We hope to have it fully completed by the summer of 2025. Please consider supporting us via the link below so we can make more awesome happen!


Read the entire story of the PoD on our blog:

Direct link:


Watch all the PoD construction videos on its YouTube playlist

Direct link:



From Steve and the crew at Earthshine Nature Programs

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has helped us make all this awesome possible!!!


























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